With a background in Management, Psychology, Economics, and Business, Carmel holds Honours
masters Degrees in both Business Administration, and Social Policy and Planning, with additional
post-graduate qualifications in Organisation Development and Teaching.
Carmel has held middle and senior management responsibilities in both the public
and private sectors, including three Chief Executive posts. She has been directly
involved in strategic management and planning, as well as many aspects of
Human Resources Management. She has a thorough knowledge of Health,
Education, Fiscal, Research, Social Policy formulation and implementation,
involving close collaboration with Government Departments, Ministers, as well as
with European institutions. Her work in the private sector involved working in
partnership with the Irish Export Board and with Irish businesses exporting Irish
products abroad.
She has held consultancy roles involving a watchdog remit on legislation and
advertising involving work with the E.U., W.H.O., and with agencies and professionals
in Canada, U.S.A., Australia, Finland, Norway, France, Italy and the
U.K. She has additionally worked in the areas of public education, training,
public relations, and media work.
Carmel is now engaged in management consultancy work, a substantial portion
of which involves teaching, training, and coaching in these areas. Her portfolio
includes Management - including Change Management - and Leadership training
work. Her consultancy work includes work with European institutions, and with
some of the major business companies in Ireland, the Irish management Institute,
the Irish Institute of Public Administration, and the Irish Civil Service.