For managers and staff facing a variety of challenges at Organisational
level, Team level and Interpersonal level; as well as for those needing
to build up personal organisation skills and work capacities.
Organisational level
Strategic Management; Organisation Development; Managing Change and
Transition; Leadership & Management; Setting Work Objectives and Managing
Interpersonal/team level
Working in Teams; Interpersonal Communications; Conflict Resolution;
Problem Solving; Motivation; Mediation/Negotiation Skills.
Personal Skills/Capacity Building
A range of self-development methods & tools:
Personal Effectiveness; Self-management; Critical Thinking; Communication;
Influencing Skills; Dealing with Conflict; Assertiveness Skills; Stress
Management; Time-Management; Meetings Management; Presentation/Media Skills.
Coaching and Mentoring of Directors; Senior Managers, and Supervisors.